With our children, most of us want to do what we can to make them happier and more confident. One way to achieve this is by encouraging their ability to listen. Follow these tips from the article to help your child with listening skills.Types of kids who don’t listen
Listening is a skill that many children struggle with. Kids who are struggling to listen at school can often be classified as one of five different types:
1) Early talkers;
2) Late talkers;
3) Smart talkers;
4) Shy talkers;
5) Aggressive talkers.
These are the five basic types of kids who don’t listen in school and they will each need their own individualized approach to getting them to listen.
10 Tips to Get Your Child to Listen at School
- Stick to a Plan: Some parents find it difficult to have their children listen in school. This can be due to the fact that children go through different stages of development, but there are also some ways to help kids learn and focus during class. One is by sticking to a plan when coming up with a daily routine for the day. Another is by not allowing distractions for your child. One of the best ways to do this is by making sure that your child has homework done before coming to school. This way, they will be more focused on the lesson.
- Work It Out with a Plan. Working with a plan is also important when parents have children who like to think out loud. This can be a big problem for some children, as they might not follow the teacher’s instructions if they aren ‘t paying attention. The best way to make sure that this doesn’t happen is by working with a plan for the day.
- Encourage Your Child to Work with a Plan. If your child has trouble actually following instructions in the classroom, encourage them to do the homework at home before they come to school. The homework should be in writing, so it will be easier for them to follow the teacher’s directions.
- Keep the Kids Busy. To keep your kids from sitting around and doing nothing, give them extra-curricular activities. This will allow them to have some fun, be stimulated, and spend time with friends.
- Offer to Help Your Child Keep Track of Homework. If your child has a hard time keeping track of their homework, have them keep a list. You can help your child with the math so they don’t have to use their head too much.
- Keep Your Child Busy Outside of School. Children learn best when they are physically active, so take them for a walk, let them play outside, or join a sports team.
- Don’t Get Mad at Your Child if They Are Lazy. Children tend to do what they are taught, so if they are lazy, they will always copy their classmates. If you get upset at them , they will continue to be lazy.
- Help Your Child Develop Confidence in Themselves. Kids need to learn how to deal with their emotions and work through their insecurities. If children don’t learn how to deal with these things as a child, they will struggle when they get older.
- Help Your Child Find a Mentor. Everyone feels insecure about something, and children need to learn how to deal with this. If they don’t get the guidance that they need, it can have a negative effect on their lives.
- Teach Your Child How to Make Money. This is a recent issue that has come up because of the internet and how kids get access to it. Kids need to learn how to make money, even if it’s not their main career.
This is by no means a complete list, but this should be healthy guidance for your children. They probably have a lot of questions about their parents and the world in general, but they shouldn’t hang onto these questions for too long. Most kids want to move on and grow up quickly, but there are certain things that they need to know so that they can be helpful members of society.
“It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than an animal satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Our children don’t listen well in school, do they? It’s frustrating to try to get them to focus when they’re getting distracted by their friends. But it is possible to get your child more attentive in class. You just have to communicate with them daily and make sure they understand what’s going on.
Be Consistent
As tempting as it may be to give in to your child sometimes, it is important to stay the course. If you can’t control yourself at times, the best thing to do is make a list of opportune times when you will be able to speak with your children. That way, you can avoid the temptation altogether.
Create a Reward Program
Set up a rewards program that guarantees the child wins. For example, if your child eats their breakfast at home, they may get to watch TV or play on a computer for the rest of their morning. Another reward might be to allow them to have an extra snack or an extra drink after dinner. You can use these incentives to reward behavior you want to see more often and give them away as needed.