Former actress Aashka Goradia, renowned for her remarkable performances in the entertainment industry, is currently on a thrilling journey into motherhood. Having left her acting career a few years ago to venture into entrepreneurship, Aashka has been sharing delightful glimpses of her beautiful pregnancy journey with her fans on social media. Her joyous announcement of pregnancy on Mother’s Day this year was met with immense excitement from her admirers. As she enters her third trimester, Aashka continues to captivate her audience with her radiant pregnancy journey.
Sneak Peeks of a Stunning Maternity Photoshoot
In a recent Instagram post, the former ‘Naagin’ star treated her followers to a sneak peek of her mesmerizing maternity photoshoot. The video, shared just a few hours ago, showcases Aashka exuding elegance in an all-white ensemble. She dons a white bralette paired with a pastel green and white shrug, creating a serene and angelic look. What truly stands out in her appearance is her striking white eye makeup, which adds a touch of sophistication. Completing the look are delicate white shell earrings, enhancing her radiant pregnancy glow.
Aashka accompanied the video with a heartfelt caption, saying, “Mama making memories before November becomes her biggest month. The greatest gift of all time… Also shooting, creating looks, and playing with make-up will always be my favorite thing to do.”
Admiration from Peers and Fans
Aashka’s husband, Brent Goble, couldn’t help but express his admiration, commenting, “Never looked more radiant.” Actress Juhi Parmar chimed in, saying, “Pretty pretty Mamma,” while others shared their love and best wishes for the expecting couple.
Having tied the knot with Brent Goble in 2017, Aashka is now eagerly anticipating the incredible journey of parenthood. Their joyous announcement on May 14, 2023, thrilled fans, and the couple is looking forward to welcoming their baby into the world with open arms.