Chances are, you’ve seen Acute appendicitis at least once in your lifetime. We’re sorry to say that it’s definitely a condition you don’t want to get and the best thing is to avoid it through prevention. So how do you know if you have it? What are some of the symptoms? How can a doctor diagnose it? And what treatment options could be available? Find out in this article!
What is Acute appendicitis?
Acute appendicitis is a condition that happens when the appendix becomes infected, usually from an obstruction. It is usually characterized by the feeling of pain in the lower left part of the stomach and might occur suddenly following abdominal discomfort or occasionally following nausea or vomiting. It can also be preceded by diarrhea. Acute appendicitis is a surgical emergency and must be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid irreversible damage.
The different types of acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is a medical condition that involves the swelling of the appendix. This can cause serious complications and even lead to death if left untreated. There are two types of acute appendicitis: perforated or non-perforated. Symptoms for both conditions include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and weight loss. Non-perforated acute appendicitis causes inflammation in the appendix while perforated causes the appendix to burst due to a small tear that leads to an infection.
Symptoms of acute appendicitis range from mild to severe. In the most severe cases, which are found in 10 percent to 15 percent of people with acute appendicitis, the person cannot speak or breathe and has difficulty moving their eyes. Other symptoms depend on where the appendix is located in the body. Symptoms vary based on how far along the appendix is in its development, with inflammation starting earlier and progressing deeper into the organ than it would if it were still developing normally.
Treatment of acute appendicitis varies depending on the severity of the condition and the extent to which it has progressed. If the appendix is near or in the right side of the abdomen, an operation to remove it is recommended as soon as possible. This procedure involves making a small incision in the belly button, going through layers of tissues and organs, then cutting through the walls of the appendix and removing it. A fast recovery is expected with this type of surgery because most cases of appendicitis are resolved within 24 hours.
On the other hand, if the appendix is not near a major organ, and only a moderate amount of tissue has been removed, doctors may recommend antibiotics for 10 to 14 days. In many cases, this type of treatment will completely resolve the condition and prevent further growth of the appendix. If not, the patient can stop taking antibiotics at that point.
Causes of acute appendicitis include acute infection, obstruction of the appendix, tumor, and omental edema. The most common cause is intestinal obstruction caused by a sharp or twisted object or a tumor such as an ampullary carcinoma. An acute injury to the appendix can cause obstruction, resulting in appendicitis. The appendix is usually located near the small bowel ileocecal junction and may be surrounded by fat.
Appendicitis is a medical emergency and must be treated quickly. If not, the appendix can burst and cause sepsis or other complications. When the patient sees a primary care physician or emergency room doctor, the doctor will give them pain medication for the pain and fluids to help clear up their system. The doctor might also do a scan to make sure that there is no internal bleeding in the abdomen. Treatment for appendicitis consists of immediate surgical removal or antibiotics. When a patient is told that they have appendicitis, they should go to the emergency room immediately. If the pain is mild, then the doctor will give a patient medicine that’s usually ibuprofen-based or acetaminophen-based and a prescription for oral antibiotics. The best course of action is to remove the appendix within 24 hours so that it does not burst or become infected. The doctor also schedules a CT scan to make sure that the appendix is still attached.
Appendicitis Causes Appendicitis is a common condition, despite being an acute complication of appendicitis. It occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed and swells, causing pain in and around the area. The symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe abdominal pain, vomiting and fever for patients who have appendicitis. Infection can occur if appendicitis does not get treated properly, so it is important to diagnose the condition early. This can help prevent complications like an inflamed appendix rupturing and resulting in an infected appendectomy or perforation of the intestines, which would lead to serious conditions such as bowel obstruction and peritonitis.