Priyadarshan is teaming up with Akshay Kumar once again for the upcoming horror-comedy Bhooth Bangla. This collaboration has fans buzzing with excitement, especially since Akshay and Tabu will share the screen after 25 years. Their reunion follows the success of their iconic roles in Hera Pheri and Tu Chor Main Sipahi.
Akshay Kumar, Tabu, and Priyadarshan Back Together in ‘Bhooth Bangla’
The film marks the reunion of the classic trio: director Priyadarshan, Akshay Kumar, and Tabu. The makers recently shared an endearing photo of Akshay and Tabu hugging on the sets in Jaipur, reminding fans of their cherished on-screen chemistry. The post on social media read, “Some things get better and iconic with time!”
Details of ‘Bhooth Bangla’
Directed by Priyadarshan, Bhooth Bangla is produced by Shobha Kapoor and Ektaa R Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms, alongside Akshay Kumar’s Cape of Good Films.
The movie also has a stellar crew. Akash A Kaushik penned the script, and Rohan Shankar, Abilash Nair, and Priyadarshan wrote the screenplay. Rohan Shankar is responsible for the dialogue, ensuring a witty and entertaining narrative.
Release Date and Anticipation
Bhooth Bangla, set to release on April 2, 2026, has already sparked immense anticipation. Fans are eager to witness the reunion of this beloved trio in a fun-filled, spooky adventure.
With an exciting mix of comedy, horror, and nostalgia, Bhooth Bangla is shaping to be a must-watch for fans of Akshay Kumar, Tabu, and Priyadarshan’s earlier hits.