After much anticipation, Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has officially started shooting for his upcoming horror-comedy Bhooth Bangla, directed by the acclaimed Priyadarshan. This marks the reunion of the two after 14 years, much to the excitement of fans who have been eagerly waiting for updates on the film. Akshay took to social media to announce the exciting news, accompanied by the release of a new poster for the movie.
The Poster Reveal: A Glimpse into the World of ‘Bhooth Bangla’
In the recently released poster for Bhooth Bangla, Akshay Kumar is seen sitting on the rooftop of an eerie house, holding a lantern in the pitch-black darkness. His attire adds a quirky touch, with a white shirt paired with a blue half-coat, a lungi, and shoes with socks—setting the tone for a spooky yet comedic atmosphere. The poster successfully teases the film’s unique blend of horror and humor, promising an engaging watch.
Akshay Kumar’s Social Media Announcement
Akshay Kumar shared his excitement about the project through a heartfelt post on Instagram. Akshay Kumar wrote, “Absolutely thrilled to be back on set with my favorite Priyadarshan as we kick off the shoot for our horror-comedy ‘Bhooth Bangla’ today.
Get ready for a double dose of fear and laughter on April 2, 2026! Until then, I need your best wishes.” His post also confirmed the official release date—April 2, 2026. Fans are eagerly awaiting the release, counting down the days to experience this exciting collaboration.
The Film’s Plot & Genre
Bhooth Bangla promises to deliver a unique fusion of horror and comedy. The movie is set in a spooky, haunted house, where Akshay Kumar’s character will experience both spine-chilling and hilarious moments. As the first poster suggests, the film’s storyline will revolve around a playful exploration of fear and humor, offering a fresh take on the horror-comedy genre.
A Reunion 14 Years in the Making
This collaboration between Akshay Kumar and director Priyadarshan is a long-awaited reunion after 14 years. The duo previously delivered several blockbuster hits, including Hera Pheri and Phir Hera Pheri, both of which are considered iconic in Indian cinema. Fans are excited to see their magic come alive once again, especially in a genre that is sure to bring out their shared brilliance in crafting entertainment.
Production Details and Release Plans
Bhooth Bangla is produced by Akshay Kumar, Shobha Kapoor, and Ektaa R Kapoor, with Faara Sheikh and Vedant Vikaas Baali as co-producers. The film is slated for a theatrical release on April 2, 2026, and is expected to be a major hit with audiences due to the star power and intriguing premise.
With Akshay Kumar’s energetic return to the horror-comedy genre alongside Priyadarshan, Bhooth Bangla is set to be one of the most anticipated releases of 2026. Fans can look forward to a delightful combination of chills and laughter, all wrapped in a spine-tingling package.