Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeBharat NewsGoaAlert: Heavy Rainfall Alert for Konkan and Goa

Alert: Heavy Rainfall Alert for Konkan and Goa

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a weather alert for Konkan and Goa, predicting heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places from June 25-28, 2024. This period is expected to see significant precipitation ranging from 64.5 mm to 204.4 mm.

Potential Flooding and Disruptions

Residents in the affected areas are advised to prepare for potential flooding and disruptions in daily activities. Local authorities are on standby to manage any emergencies that may arise due to the heavy rains.

Safety Precautions Advised

The IMD urges citizens to stay informed about weather updates and follow safety precautions. It’s essential to avoid low-lying areas prone to flooding and ensure that all necessary supplies are stocked up.

Response from Local Authorities

Local disaster management teams are ready to provide assistance and ensure public safety during this period. Emergency services have been alerted to respond swiftly to any incidents arising from the heavy rainfall.

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