Union Home Minister Amit Shah performed sacred rituals at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj during the ongoing Mahakumbh mela on Monday. Around 1 PM, Shah took a holy dip, performed ‘jal aachman’ (sipping holy water), offered water to the Sun, and conducted other rituals under the guidance of prominent seers.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Joins Rituals
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath joined Amit Shah in the holy waters. Later, at the request of Acharya Avdheshanand Giri Ji Maharaj, Adityanath participated in the rituals. Yoga guru Ramdev was also present.
Family Members Partake in Ceremonies
Amit Shah’s family members, including son Jay Shah, the ICC chairman, wife Sonal, daughter-in-law Rishita, and grandchildren, actively participated in the religious ceremonies. The family also joined in performing the ‘aarti’ at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati rivers.
Spiritual Significance of the Event
The holy dip and associated rituals highlight the cultural and spiritual essence of the Mahakumbh mela, which draws millions seeking divine blessings. Shah’s participation alongside key figures underscores the unity of tradition and leadership in India’s vibrant religious heritage.