In the world of the Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, and Sudhanshu Pandey Starrer show, “Anupama,” a significant transformation is on the horizon. The tightly-knit Shah family is poised to unravel, with Anupama and Anuj taking the lead in bringing them back together. This tumultuous journey begins in the forthcoming episode when Bapu Ji’s anger is directed at Paritosh.
Tension increased in the Shah family:
The episode kicks off with Anupama helping Dimple get ready, a heartwarming moment as everyone showers the little one with love and care. Dimple’s tender moments with Anupama further intensify Pakhi’s feelings of isolation. It dawns on Malti Devi that Pakhi is troubled by Dimple’s presence.
Meanwhile, in the Shah House, Paritosh is engrossed in a phone conversation, seemingly oblivious to Vanraj’s counsel. This leads to Bapu ji’s anger, scolding Paritosh for not heeding his father’s advice.
Over at the Kapadia household, Pakhi confronts Adhik about his attention towards Dimple. She grapples with her inability to become a mother and feels overshadowed by Dimple’s presence. Adhik attempts to reason with her, but Pakhi’s emotions get the better of her, leading to her tears. Malti Devi observes this emotional exchange.
Anupama is Waiting for Anuj:
Back in the Shah household, Anupama anxiously awaits Anuj’s return. Malti Devi advises her to take some rest. Anupama, however, expresses her fondness for waiting for Anuj. Amidst all this, Anuj arrives, prompting an irritated Malti Devi to leave the scene due to their apparent closeness.
In another corner of the story, Kavya, now in her seventh month of pregnancy, experiences discomfort while walking at night. Struggling to decide who to call for help, she begins to stumble. Fortunately, Leela comes to her aid and handles the situation with care.
Anupama and Anuj’s romantic Dinner:
While Anupama and Anuj share romantic moments at the table, Romil interrupts their intimacy as he sits down to enjoy some Kheer, leaving one of his books behind. As Anupama goes to return the book to Romil in his room, she finds something that will completely shock her.
The upcoming episodes of “Anupama” promise a riveting blend of emotions, tensions, and revelations, as Anupama and Anuj strive to mend the fraying bonds of the Shah family, while personal dramas and unexpected twists take center stage.