The much-awaited trailer for Azaad, an epic historical drama set in the pre-Independence era, was released today. Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, the film features Ajay Devgn in an extended supporting role, where he portrays a rebel fighting against British rule. The movie marks the debut of Ajay’s nephew, Aaman Devgan, and actress Rasha Thadani daughter of Raveena Tandon.
The Story: A Rebel’s Legacy and a Romantic Journey
In the trailer, Ajay Devgn’s character trains Aaman’s character, instilling in him the spirit of rebellion. Aaman’s character becomes fascinated by his mentor’s majestic black horse, named Azaad, which serves as a symbol of freedom and defiance.
Rasha Thadani plays a member of a royal family, and we catch glimpses of a romantic arc between her and Aaman’s characters. The trailer promises a gripping adventure with emotional undertones as the story unfolds.
The Film’s Stellar Cast and Release Details
“Azaad” features a fresh lead pair in Aaman Devgan & Rasha Thadani, alongside the seasoned actor Ajay Devgn. The film also stars Diana Penty and Mohit Malik in pivotal roles.
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, the film is set for a theatrical release on January 17, 2025, and has already generated significant buzz for its promising storyline.
The trailer has left audiences intrigued, with high expectations for this emotional and action-packed journey.