Bipasha Basu is enjoying family life with her husband, Karan Singh Grover, and their lovely daughter, Devi Basu Singh Grover. Sharing glimpses of their joyful existence, Bipasha recently delighted fans with a heartwarming video capturing Devi’s affectionate embrace.
In the touching video shared on Instagram, Devi rushes into Bipasha’s arms for a warm hug, calling out for “papa papa.” Karan Singh Grover, responding to her call, scoops her up with overflowing love. Bipasha’s caption, “Doll,” encapsulates the endearing moment shared among the family.
The video resonated deeply with fans, showcasing the love and bond shared within the Basu-Grover household. Bipasha’s joy in these precious moments is evident, as she continues to celebrate the simple pleasures of family life with her spouse and their delightful daughter.