Veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra marked his 89th birthday on Sunday with a heartwarming celebration surrounded by his loved ones, including sons Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol. Fans and the paparazzi gathered to witness the special moment as the iconic actor cut a stunning six-tier cake decorated with his old photographs. His wife, actress Hema Malini, and daughter Esha Deol also took to social media to share heartfelt birthday posts.
Dharmendra Celebrates Birthday with Sunny and Bobby
A video shared on Instagram captured Dharmendra walking with his son Sunny Deol, as fans and well-wishers surrounded them to wish the beloved actor. He then stood in front of the cake, which was beautifully adorned with nostalgic images from his illustrious career. After the cake-cutting, Dharmendra and his sons posed for pictures, and the actor was honored by many present at the celebration.
Hema Malini’s Heartfelt Birthday Post
In a touching tribute, Hema Malini, Dharmendra’s wife, shared several old pictures of the two on Instagram. In a touching tribute, Hema Malini, Dharmendra’s wife, shared several old pictures of the two on Instagram.
Hema wrote, “A special day to celebrate! Wishing the happiest birthday to the man of my dreams. From the moment we met, we’ve held each other’s hearts through both good and bad times, always together, strong in our love.” Hema continued, “I look forward to many more years of being charmed by you. May God bless you with health & happiness forever.”
About Dharmendra: A Legacy in Indian Cinema
Dharmendra, often called the “He-Man” of Bollywood, is one of the most iconic action heroes in Indian cinema history. With iconic roles in films like Sholay, Pratiggya, and The Burning Train, his legacy as a performer is unmatched. Most recently, Dharmendra appeared in the Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon-starrer ‘Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya‘.
Fans are eagerly awaiting his upcoming film, Ikkis, a war drama based on the life of Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal. In this project, Dharmendra will share the screen with Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda. Directed by Sriram Raghavan, the movie’s release date is yet to be announced, but it promises to add another remarkable chapter to Dharmendra’s illustrious career.