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HomeBharat NewsBlooming Success: UP Women Earns Rs 1.65 Lakh from 55 Quintals of...

Blooming Success: UP Women Earns Rs 1.65 Lakh from 55 Quintals of Flowers in March

The Government of Uttar Pradesh has embarked on a transformative journey to uplift rural communities while fostering self-reliance through the innovative CM Fellowship scheme. This visionary initiative not only envisions the development of rural areas but also empowers local residents to become self-sufficient, thanks to the efforts of dedicated research scholars posted in aspirational development blocks across the state.

One shining example of the scheme’s success is the inspiring story of Shiv Kumar, a researcher posted in District Basti. Shiv Kumar’s determination and dedication have not only transformed barren lands but have also ignited hope and prosperity among the local women. By cultivating flowers on 12 bighas of previously vacant land, Kumar has turned a seemingly desolate landscape into a thriving source of income and empowerment.

The results of Shiv Kumar’s efforts are nothing short of remarkable. In the month of March, a staggering 55 quintals of vibrant and fragrant flowers were harvested from the rejuvenated land. This impressive achievement translated into an income of ₹1.65 lacks for the hardworking women involved in the flower cultivation venture.

The success story of District Basti exemplifies the tangible impact of the CM Fellowship scheme on grassroots development and rural empowerment. Through strategic interventions and thoughtful guidance by dedicated research scholars like Shiv Kumar, the scheme has become a catalyst for positive change in aspirational development blocks.

The UP government’s commitment to fostering self-reliance and prosperity at the local level is commendable. By equipping rural communities with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to create sustainable livelihoods, the CM Fellowship scheme is redefining the future of rural Uttar Pradesh.

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