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HomeBharat News"Breaking Barriers'': Women Drivers to Join Gorakhpur Roadways for the 1st Time

“Breaking Barriers”: Women Drivers to Join Gorakhpur Roadways for the 1st Time

Gorakhpur, a city known for its progressive initiatives, has taken a remarkable stride toward gender inclusivity in the transportation sector. For the first time in the city’s history, women drivers will be recruited in the roadways department. These women will undergo extensive training for a period of 24 months, after which they will proudly steer pink buses, ushering in a new era of inclusive and safe public transportation.

Empowering Women in Transportation

The announcement of recruiting women drivers in Gorakhpur’s roadways is a bold step towards empowering women in a traditionally male-dominated field. Breaking societal stereotypes and promoting gender equality, this initiative opens doors of opportunity for women who aspire to be professional drivers. By providing training and employment in the transportation sector, the city not only promotes economic independence but also paves the way for a more inclusive workforce.

Comprehensive Training Program

To ensure the highest standards of road safety and driving proficiency, the recruited women drivers will undergo an extensive training program spanning over 24 months. This program will equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge required for the safe and efficient operation of public buses. By focusing on technical driving skills, traffic regulations, passenger safety, and customer service, the training program aims to produce competent and confident women drivers who are well-prepared for their responsibilities on the roads.

Symbolic Pink Buses

The pink buses that will be operated by the women drivers hold symbolic significance. The color pink has long been associated with femininity and represents women’s empowerment. By introducing these pink buses on Gorakhpur’s roads, the city sends a powerful message about gender inclusivity and emphasizes the importance of women’s active participation in various sectors. These buses will not only provide a safe and comfortable mode of transportation for passengers but also serve as a visual reminder of the city’s commitment to equality and progress.

Transforming Commuter Experience

The inclusion of women drivers in Gorakhpur’s roadways will have a positive impact on the overall commuter experience. With women behind the wheel, passengers will have an added sense of security and comfort during their journeys. This move aims to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all passengers, where women feel safe and respected. Additionally, the introduction of skilled women drivers will diversify the transportation workforce, promoting empathy, understanding, and gender-sensitive services.

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