In a move aimed at providing relief to households during the festive period, Jitendra Singh recently shared significant news. The Cabinet, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has greenlit a reduction of ₹200 in the cost of domestic cooking gas LPG cylinders. This decision is particularly timely, aligning with the celebrations of Raksha Bandhan and Onam.
The decision to cut LPG cylinder prices by ₹200 brings respite to households grappling with rising costs, especially as these festivities approach. LPG cylinders are an essential commodity for countless families across India, and this price reduction is expected to ease the financial burden during the festive season.
“The government’s proactive approach to addressing economic concerns during special occasions underscores its commitment to the welfare of the citizens. The gesture not only marks the significance of Raksha Bandhan and Onam but also demonstrates the administration’s responsiveness to the needs of the people”.
“This decision is anticipated to bring smiles to households across the nation, as families prepare to celebrate these auspicious festivals. The price reduction is set to alleviate some of the financial strain on households and ensure that they can partake in the festivities without unnecessary economic worries”.