Shah Rukh Khan’s film ‘Chak De India’ fame Chandramukhi Chautala i.e. Chitrashi Rawat has tied the knot. Chitrashi Rawat has taken seven rounds with her boyfriend Dhruvaditya Bhagwanani. The picture of the bride’s look is looking very beautiful. Her bridal look is going viral on social media.
Chitrashi Rawat, who rose to fame with her role in the movie ”Chak De India”, recently tied the knot with Dhruvaditya. The news of their wedding and their viral wedding photo have been making rounds on social media. Chitrashi and Dhravaditya Bhagwanani tied the knot in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. Both were dating each other for 11 years. Her wedding photo is going viral on social media.
Chitrashi Rawat tied the knot with Dhruvaditya:
The wedding is a private affair, attended by close friends and family members. Actress Chitrashi Rawat is looking very beautiful in a red lehenga. She carried the traditional jewelry of Uttarakhand with a red colored lehenga. Photos of Chitrashi Rawat are becoming very viral on social media, this couple is looking very happy in their wedding picture.
Wedding Photo Goes Viral:
The photo of the newlyweds has been shared and re-shared countless times on various social media platforms, with fans and well-wishers congratulating the couple on their union. It has become a trending topic and people seem to get enough of the beautiful couple.