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HomeBharat NewsArunachal PradeshCM Pema Khandu Marks 49th Day of Bardo Thodol Rituals

CM Pema Khandu Marks 49th Day of Bardo Thodol Rituals

Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu observed the 49th day of Bardo Thodol rituals for his late mother, Ama Lezang. These sacred rituals, integral to Tibetan Buddhism, guide the deceased through intermediate states to ensure a peaceful transition from death and facilitate rebirth or liberation.

Understanding the Bardo Thodol Rituals

The 49-day Bardo Thodol journey consists of three bardos: the moment of death, encountering apparitions, and transitioning to a new body. Each phase is designed to help the deceased navigate the afterlife and reach a favorable rebirth or spiritual liberation.

Gratitude for Compassionate Prayers

Khandu expressed deep gratitude to the Venerable Rinpoches and Monks for their compassionate prayers throughout the rituals. Their support is vital in helping Ama Lezang accumulate merit and navigate her journey toward a favorable rebirth or liberation.

Blessings from Guru Padmasambhava and Amitabha Buddha

In his tribute, Khandu invoked the blessings of Guru Padmasambhava and Amitabha Buddha to guide his mother on her spiritual journey. These blessings are believed to assist in navigating the afterlife and ensuring a peaceful transition for the departed soul.

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