On December 6, 2024, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, along with Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak and other prominent leaders, paid tribute to Dr. BR Ambedkar on the 69th Mahaparinirvan Diwas. The day marks the death anniversary of Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, the creator of the Indian Constitution and a strong advocate for social justice.
A Respectful Tribute to the Creator of the Constitution
Yogi Adityanath expressed his deep reverence for Ambedkar, describing him as the “architect of the Constitution,” a pioneer of social justice, and a strong voice for the marginalized.
In his message on X, the Chief Minister expressed, “I pay my humble tribute to ‘Bharat Ratna’ Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the architect of the Constitution, pioneer of social justice, and a strong voice for the deprived on his Mahaparinirvan Day.”
Remembering Ambedkar’s Legacy of Equality and Public Welfare
Yogi Adityanath emphasized Ambedkar’s dedication to “Antyodaya” (uplifting the last person in the society) and public welfare. He also said, “Baba Saheb is truly the great jewel of Mother India and a pillar of democracy. His life serves as a guiding light for all of us.”
Floral Tribute to Dr. Ambedkar in Lucknow
In a symbolic gesture, CM Yogi Adityanath, along with other leaders, garlanded Dr. Ambedkar’s statue in Lucknow, paying homage to the iconic leader. On this day, millions across the country paid their respects to the sacred memories of Baba Saheb, a revered leader, thinker, and reformer who dedicated his life to equality and eradicating caste-based discrimination.