Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s popularity on social media platforms is soaring to new heights day by day. After amassing a staggering 2.5 crore followers on Twitter, Yogi Adityanath has now emerged as the third most-followed politician on Instagram. In this coveted list, only Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah boast more followers on Instagram than the Chief Minister.
Prime Minister Modi Leads the Instagram Follower Count
Yogi Adityanath is now renowned as the third-most-followed Indian politician on Instagram, trailing only behind PM Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi commands a formidable following of 79.7 lakh followers on Instagram, Home Minister Amit Shah boasts an impressive 78 lakh followers. Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, has secured his position as the third politician in the country to gather over 70 lakh followers on Instagram, firmly establishing his social media presence.
Yogi Adityanath’s Instagram Journey
Before assuming the role of Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath had already established his presence on Instagram. He became a part of the Instagram community in March 2015, and since then, his account has been a hub of activity. With a total of 3,273 posts on Instagram, his profile features a diverse range of content, including photographs of his interactions with various dignitaries, his speeches at various events, and more. Yogi Adityanath’s Instagram posts have garnered numerous likes and comments, further solidifying his social media influence. When it comes to Instagram followers, no opposition politician comes close to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s impressive following.
Yogi Adityanath’s Social Media Prowess
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s remarkable popularity extends across various social media platforms. His active engagement on these platforms has been instrumental in building his substantial following. Recently, he crossed the milestone of 2.5 crore followers on Twitter, with his current follower count standing at 2.62 crores. Additionally, he has garnered 68 lakh followers on the Koo app. Notably, Yogi Adityanath has also joined WhatsApp, amassing over 3 lakh followers on this platform. His remarkable social media presence reflects the widespread appeal and support he enjoys, making him a prominent figure in Indian politics.