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HomeBharat NewsCM Yogi Felicitates Outstanding Aspirational Development Blocks with Incentive Awards.

CM Yogi Felicitates Outstanding Aspirational Development Blocks with Incentive Awards.

In a significant step towards promoting innovation and progress, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath once again got a chance to interact with researchers from 100 ambitious development blocks as part of the “Chief Minister’s Fellowship” initiative in Lucknow. The event, the third of its kind, highlights the growing commitment to link diverse sectors with the overarching goal of development.

“Expressing his delight, CM Yogi emphasized the importance of researchers’ endeavors in aligning their respective domains with the broader development agenda. This integration of ideas, expertise, and perspectives from various sectors holds the potential to drive holistic growth and transformation across aspirational development blocks”.

A notable highlight of the occasion was the recognition accorded to aspirational development blocks that exhibited exceptional performance. CM Yogi personally felicitated these outstanding performers with incentive amounts, acknowledging their dedicated efforts in contributing to the upliftment of their communities.

“Furthermore, the event witnessed the unveiling of the ‘Annual Report 2022-23: Progress of Aspirational Development Blocks’. This comprehensive document showcases the remarkable strides achieved by these blocks, underscoring their invaluable contributions to the overall development narrative. The report serves as a testament to the collective efforts of researchers, development block officers, and the community at large”.

“In extending his felicitations, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath congratulated and extended best wishes to the development block officers and researchers who have been instrumental in driving positive change. He lauded their dedication and commitment to realizing the vision of aspirational development blocks, highlighting their role as catalysts for progress”.

The “Chief Minister’s Fellowship” program continues to be a platform that bridges the gap between innovative research and practical implementation, channeling energies toward comprehensive and sustainable development. As CM Yogi’s engagement with researchers progresses, it signals a steadfast commitment to infuse fresh ideas, foster collaboration, and promote holistic advancement in the state.

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