Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath graced the inaugural session of the 43rd Ramayana Fair at Shri Ayodhya Dham, highlighting the cultural and spiritual significance of this historic event.
Ayodhya: The Cradle of Sanatan Dharma
Addressing the gathering, CM Yogi lauded Ayodhya as the first holy city of Sanatan Dharma, a beacon of peace and welfare for humanity for thousands of years. He emphasized its relevance as a solution to today’s global conflicts.
A Divine Gathering of Saints and Devotees
The fair witnessed participation from revered saints, religious leaders, and Ram devotees from across the nation. CM Yogi extended his heartfelt congratulations to the participants and expressed gratitude to the Ramayana Mela Committee for orchestrating this divine event.
A Legacy of Spiritual Unity
CM Yogi underlined the role of Ayodhya and the Ramayana Fair in fostering unity and harmony, reinforcing India’s cultural heritage as a guiding light for world humanity.
The 43rd Ramayana Fair celebrates not just the epic’s timeless teachings but also Ayodhya’s enduring spiritual significance, promising to inspire generations to come.