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HomeBharat NewsCM Yogi: Uttar Pradesh has doubled its exports in 6 years.

CM Yogi: Uttar Pradesh has doubled its exports in 6 years.

Uttar Pradesh, once burdened with the stigma of being a ‘Bimaru state,’ has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. In a notable revelation, CM Adityanath proudly announced that Uttar Pradesh has not only shed its previous label but has emerged as a frontrunner in the nation’s economy.

Citing data from NITI Aayog, Chief Minister Adityanath revealed that Uttar Pradesh has successfully lifted a staggering 5.5 crore people out of poverty since 2017. This substantial feat reflects the state’s unwavering commitment to inclusive growth and socio-economic development.

A significant contributor to Uttar Pradesh’s economic resurgence is the robust presence of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Chief Minister Adityanath highlighted that the state boasts an impressive 96 lakh operating MSME units. These enterprises play a dual role, not only providing employment opportunities but also establishing Uttar Pradesh as a thriving export hub.

The export prowess of Uttar Pradesh has witnessed a remarkable surge, with the state’s exports doubling over a span of six years. This exponential growth attests to the conducive environment that has been cultivated for businesses to flourish. Uttar Pradesh’s transformation into an economic powerhouse is a testament to the effective implementation of policies and strategies that promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and global trade.

Chief Minister Adityanath’s proclamation underscores the collective efforts invested in reshaping Uttar Pradesh’s trajectory. The state’s journey from being labeled ‘Bimaru’ to becoming an exemplar of progress and prosperity serves as an inspiration to other regions aspiring for growth and development.

As Uttar Pradesh continues to stride forward, shedding old stereotypes and embracing new opportunities, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s vision for a thriving and empowered state takes center stage. The transformation of Uttar Pradesh is a testament to the potential that lies within every region, waiting to be unlocked through visionary leadership and dedicated efforts.

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