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HomeWorld NewsDr. Jitendra Singh: "Joint India-US Space Mission Later This Year''.

Dr. Jitendra Singh: “Joint India-US Space Mission Later This Year”.

Last updated on July 4th, 2023 at 03:52 pm

“On Friday, Science and Technology Minister Jitendra Singh said that later this year, India and the US are anticipated to launch a joint Earth observation project, the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite,” During the visit, the director of the National Science Foundation, Sethuraman Panchanathan, led a US delegation.

The NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) Mission’s main purpose is to measure the Earth’s changing ecosystems, dynamic surfaces, and ice masses to provide information about biomass, natural hazards, sea level rise, and groundwater. This mission will also support a host of other applications.

The satellite will observe the Earth’s land- and ice-covered surfaces globally with twelve-day regularity on Increasing and decreasing passes, sampling the Earth every 6 days on average for a baseline three-year mission.

The minister told the delegation that the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite is expected to be launched in 2023. Singh also called for scaling up cooperation in the space sector, with a focus on emerging areas such as the management of space debris.

The minister proposed deeper cooperation in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), cyber security, semiconductor, clean energy, advanced wireless, quantum, biotechnology, geology, astrophysics, and defense.

“The US is open to new chances for cooperation in areas such as critical minerals, smart agriculture, bio-economy, and 6G technologies,” said Panchanathan. More joint calls from March on identified projects would be taken, he conveyed to the minister.

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