In a momentous event aimed at bolstering employment opportunities, Union Minister Dr. Virendra Kumar, in collaboration with CCIT Sh. Vir Birsa Ekka and other dignitaries spearheaded the distribution of appointment letters to 196 promising recruits from 11 Government of India (GoI) departments. The remarkable occasion, “Rozgar Mela,” was organized in Bhopal today as part of PMO India’s ambitious drive to generate 10 lakh government jobs.
The Rozgar Mela served as a beacon of hope for countless job seekers who have been eagerly waiting for their chance to contribute to the nation’s progress and prosperity. Dr. Virendra Kumar’s vision and leadership have played a pivotal role in materializing this grand initiative, which not only aligns with the government’s commitment to fostering economic growth but also empowers the youth by providing them with meaningful employment opportunities.
The event exuded an aura of excitement and optimism, as the 196 selected candidates from various educational backgrounds and skill sets gathered to receive their appointment letters. Each letter represented a pathway to a brighter future and a chance to contribute their talents and expertise to the nation’s developmental endeavors.