The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has taken significant action in connection with the ongoing investigation of the Bike Bot Scam case, leading to the search and arrest of Dinesh Kumar Singh alias Dinesh Singh Gujjar, State Secretary of Samajwadi Party, UP. The operation, conducted at his premises in Noida, yielded crucial evidence and resulted in his apprehension.
During the search at Dinesh Singh Gujjar’s residence, various incriminating pieces of evidence were seized, adding weight to the investigation of the Bike Bot Scam. Subsequently, on July 21, 2023, he was placed under arrest by the ED, following the discovery of substantial evidence linking him to the alleged fraudulent activities.
In light of the seriousness of the case and to facilitate further investigation, the Hon’ble Special Court granted the ED custody of Dinesh Singh Gujjar for a period of five days, extending until July 26, 2023. This move aims to allow the authorities sufficient time to delve deeper into the matter and gather more evidence to present before the court.
The Bike Bot Scam has raised concerns about financial irregularities and the misappropriation of funds, necessitating a thorough investigation to hold the culprits accountable. With the arrest of a prominent political figure like Dinesh Singh Gujjar, the investigation takes a significant step forward in unraveling the complexities of the scam and seeking justice for those affected.