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HomeOccasionAnniversaryNitin Gadkari Pays Tribute to Ramkrishna Poddar: A Pillar of Community and...

Nitin Gadkari Pays Tribute to Ramkrishna Poddar: A Pillar of Community and Faith in Nagpur

In a heartfelt tribute, Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways, praised Ramkrishna Poddar Ji, the managing trustee of Poddareshwar Ram Mandir in Nagpur. Gadkari highlighted Poddar Ji’s dual legacy as a devoted Ram devotee and a significant contributor to Nagpur’s social sector. His efforts in organizing grand Ramnavami processions united people from all communities and religions, reflecting his commitment to communal harmony and religious devotion.

Ramkrishna Poddar: Contributions to the Social Sector

Ramkrishna Poddar Ji was renowned for his dedication to enhancing social cohesion through religious celebrations. His annual Ram Janmotsav, marked by a grand procession of Lord Shri Ram Ji, was a pivotal event that fostered unity among Nagpur’s diverse communities. Poddar Ji’s vision turned Ramnavami into a public festival embraced by all, regardless of religious background.

The Impact of His Passing

The death of Ramkrishna Poddar Ji represents a significant loss to both the religious and social fabric of Nagpur. His contributions extended beyond religious duties, having a lasting impact on community integration and social welfare. Nitin Gadkari expressed deep sorrow over Poddar Ji’s demise, acknowledging his role as a true servant to both faith and society.

A Call for Reflection

Gadkari’s tribute underscores the profound impact of Poddar Ji’s life and work. As the community reflects on his legacy, there is a collective sense of loss for a leader who bridged religious and social divides. Gadkari’s wishes for peace for the departed soul echo the sentiments of many who benefited from Poddar Ji’s unwavering service and dedication.

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