Everyone gets angry once upon a time in a while, and children are likely to lose their temper more often than adults. If you’re a parent, it is sure that you have had to deal with an angry child. Generally, we end up shouting matches with our kids or do not know what to do when an angry outburst occurs.
Anger is a normal feeling in kids and adults alike. But how we express and deal with our feelings of anger. This anger can be a result of frustration, loneliness, fear, sadness, or depression. It’s hard for both parents and kids when a child struggles with anger. Some children grow disheartened easily. They up gust over seemingly minor events. They shout and might even become aggressive.
If your child has angry blowups, it is important to look at how your child copes with this powerful emotion and especially if your child’s anger interferes with their quality of life and growth. They need help healthily dealing with their feelings.
How to Teach children to control their anger –best ways
Understanding what causes anger is the first step in helping your child cope. But the best method is those that encourage your child to cope with anger on their own. Here are some tips that can teach you how to deal with a child with anger arguments.
1. Find the causes:
Try to understand the particular situation or circumstance that triggers the outburst. There may be various things that set it off but a pattern will emerge over time, and by fending off these triggers, you will be able to contain the situation. If the triggers are inevitable, then making your child understand the reason why such a reaction appears can help them calm down.
2. Teach Your Child About emotions:
Kids are more likely to roar when they don’t understand their feelings or they cannot speak them. A child who isn’t able to realize or explain that they’re sad may misbehave to get your attention. To help your child observe and learn to identify and mark feelings, begin by teaching basic awareness words such as “mad,” “sad,” “happy,” and “scared.”
- Show compassion:
When your child gets angry, try to get them to talk about why they are feeling so. This shows them that you are responding to their requirement instead of just reacting. Looking you lend a listening ear, your child is more likely to calm down. They understand that you are letting them express their feelings instead of simply judging them first. This is one of the most effective tips on how to handle an angry kid.
- Set a Calm-Down Plan:
Teach your kid what to do when they begin to feel angry. Rather, than throw blocks when they’re frustrated, tell them to take a break by going to their room till they calm down. Motivate them to color, read a book, or engage in another calming activity until they feel better. Even you can create a calm-down kit. This could include your child’s favorite coloring books, a fun book to read, some crayons, a favorite toy, or a bubble-making toy.
- Pay Attention to Your Reactions:
It’s very important to watch your reactions, both physical and mental. If you are in the habit of shouting when angry, then your children will also learn it. Mind it, you’re lending your children your strength in these moments. So, learn to control yourself at your kids no matter what the annoyance. By staying calm and using a soft tone, you will get across the message that it is possible to control feelings of anger and deal with them calmly without getting aroused.
- Keep away from Violent Media:
If your child shows aggressive behavior, exposing them to violent TV shows or video games may aggravate the problem. Keep away your child from technology. Excessive use of gadgets makes chid more aggressive. Focus on exposing them to books, and games, and teach them outdoor games.
- Don’t challenge your child During an Angry Outburst:
Reasoning with an angry child is always a challenge because they don’t have the same capacity as we do to stop and reason. So when you’re handling your angry child, you have to leave that verbal place where you feel pretty comfortable. Like saying, “ Are you mad? Why do you do this stupidity? This will only make your child angrier. When he calms down and then talks later.
- Don’t Freeze Up:
Some parents freeze up when their kids throw tantrums or start yelling at them. The parent is emotionally attached to the child and becomes paralyzed with indecision or gives in to the child. You may find that sometimes your child will get angry when they want an unnecessary wish from you. They’ll trap you by throwing a fit or saying something rude because they know that this will cause you to give in. Don’t get angry and don’t give chance to your child.
- Don’t Give Harsh Punishments:
Don’t give harsh punishments in the heat of the moment is a losing proposition. Here’s why. Let’s say your child is angry. He’s having a tantrum and shouting at you. We understand that it is hard to tolerate it when your kid is screaming. Harsh punishments that seem never-ending to your child are just not powerful and will make your kid angrier at that moment. Mind it, your goal is to teach your child to get control of himself.
- Use touch therapy:
Try to calm down your kid during angry outbursts by hugging them, lapping them, or getting them to hold his hand. Touch can have a calming effect on many children and can help defuse a volatile situation immediately.