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HomeWorld NewsIFC's FLN Report Released By Dr. Bibek Debroy At India Dialog Conference.

IFC’s FLN Report Released By Dr. Bibek Debroy At India Dialog Conference.

The second edition of the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) report has been released, highlighting the critical role of language in education and focusing on improving learning outcomes through appropriate assessments and mediums of instruction. The report identifies the fundamental concepts that children require to become skilled readers and highlights the distinct challenges faced in multilingual environments. It is crucial to integrate the medium of instruction and teaching in languages familiar to children to address these challenges effectively.

The report also highlights numerous initiatives implemented at the national and state level in collaboration with public-private organizations to achieve the foundational learning goals outlined in NIPUN. These initiatives demonstrate significant efforts in improving learning outcomes, especially in a multilingual environment.

The FLN report serves as a benchmark for states and union territories to track their performance in achieving universal foundational learning by 2026-27. The report’s findings cover the role of nutrition, access to digital technology, and a language-focused instructional approach.

It is recommended to undertake various assessments pertaining to the linguistic and orthographic systems, as well as writing mechanisms, to improve the periodicity of NAS and the sample size of FLS for assessing learning outcomes effectively. Furthermore, data monitoring at a disaggregated level for FLN outcomes is required to be integrated into the system, along with clearly defined outcome-based indicators on the pedagogical framework and education in India.

The report’s authors, Amit Kapoor, Natalia Chakma, and Sheen Zutshi of the Institute for Competitiveness, authored the report. The panelists for the release included Karen Klimowski, Deputy India Mission Director, USAID; Pawan Sain, Joint Secretary, EAC-PM; Arundhuti Gupta, Founder and CEO of Mentor Together, and Asha Jadeja, Founder of Motwani Jadeja Foundation.

In her keynote address, Geetha Murali emphasized the importance of foundational literacy and numeracy, linking them to the health and economic growth of a nation. She highlighted the automaticity required at both the Akshara and text levels in Indian languages and how phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension should be split out into appropriate lessons without overloading children.

Pawan Sain, Joint Secretary, EAC-PM, discussed the National Education Policy’s future of teaching and innovative practices adopted by states for schools, teachers, and children. Karen Klimowski, Deputy India Mission Director, USAID, stressed the need to focus on sustainable impact and making programs meaningful and sustained over the long term.

Dr. Amit Kapoor, Honorary Chairman of, the Institute for Competitiveness, and Lecturer, at Stanford University, highlighted the importance of focusing on literacy and numeracy as a solid foundation for early education that prepares children to sustain themselves in society.

The FLN report’s second edition provides crucial insights into the role of language in education and improving learning outcomes. It serves as a benchmark for tracking performance and highlights the need for integrating appropriate assessments, mediums of instruction, and data monitoring at a disaggregated level for effective implementation.

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