Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeBharat NewsIMD Forecast: Heavy Rainfall Expected Across India

IMD Forecast: Heavy Rainfall Expected Across India

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a forecast indicating significant rainfall patterns across different regions of the country in the upcoming days.

West Peninsular Coast and Northeast India

According to IMD, rainfall is expected along the West Peninsular Coast over the next 3-4 days. Similarly, Northeast India is likely to experience heavy rainfall from 27th to 30th June. These regions should brace for intensified monsoon activity during this period.

Heavy Rainfall: Northwest India

IMD also forecasts an increase in rainfall activity over Northwest India, particularly from the 28th to the 30th of June. Heavy to very heavy rainfall is anticipated during these days, indicating a shift in monsoon dynamics towards the northwestern parts of the country.

Weather Alert

With these predictions, IMD advises residents and authorities in affected regions to stay updated with weather alerts and take necessary precautions. The expected heavy rainfall could lead to localized flooding and disruptions in daily activities, urging preparedness and vigilance during this monsoon season.

The IMD’s latest forecast underscores the variability and intensity of monsoon rains across India, highlighting the need for timely response and resilience in managing weather-related challenges.

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