Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeBharat NewsIMD Predicts Rainfall and Thunderstorms Across Several Indian States

IMD Predicts Rainfall and Thunderstorms Across Several Indian States

Thunderstorms: A recently released nowcast map reveals significant meteorological activity across various regions of India, predicting light to moderate rainfall with intermittent intense spells. The map, utilizing a color-coded system for clarity, indicates areas of concern through shades of yellow, orange, and red.

The states of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar are highlighted in orange and red, signifying the likelihood of light to moderate rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms and cloud-to-ground lightning. These areas are expected to experience occasional intense spells, posing potential risks of flash floods and localized disruptions. Residents in these regions are advised to stay alert and take necessary precautions, as thunderstorms and lightning could lead to hazardous conditions.

In addition to these states, the North Konkan region, including Mumbai, and South Gujarat is also marked on the map, indicating ongoing rain spells. The consistent rainfall in these areas is expected to continue, contributing to cumulative precipitation levels. The yellow-colored districts on the map represent areas with anticipated light to moderate rainfall, suggesting more manageable weather conditions compared to the regions marked in orange and red.

Meteorologists urge people in the affected areas to stay informed about weather updates and follow safety guidelines issued by local authorities. The nowcast map serves as a critical tool in preparing for and mitigating the impacts of adverse weather conditions, ensuring public safety and awareness.

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