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HomeBharat NewsGujaratIMD Forecasts Extreme Rainfall in Maharashtra and Gujarat

IMD Forecasts Extreme Rainfall in Maharashtra and Gujarat

Maharashtra: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a warning for isolated extremely heavy rainfall over the ghat areas of Madhya Maharashtra for the next two days. Rainfall is expected to continue at very high intensity in Konkan and Goa, as well as in the Gujarat region, today, July 26.

Maharashtra: Gradual Reduction Expected

Rainfall intensity is anticipated to decrease gradually following today. The IMD advises vigilance as the weather conditions may lead to localized flooding and disruptions in the affected areas.

Impact on Konkan, Goa, and Gujarat

Konkan, Goa, and parts of Gujarat are particularly at risk of extreme weather. The IMD’s alert highlights the need for preparedness in these regions to mitigate potential impacts on daily life and infrastructure.

Advisories and Precautions

Residents in the affected areas are advised to stay updated with the latest weather information and take necessary precautions to ensure safety. The IMD will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as required.

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