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HomeBharat NewsISRO Achieves Success with RLV LEX-03 Landing Experiment 'Pushpak'

ISRO Achieves Success with RLV LEX-03 Landing Experiment ‘Pushpak’

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) achieved a significant milestone with the successful landing of the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) LEX-03 mission, named ‘Pushpak’, at the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) in Chitradurga, Karnataka. This marks ISRO’s third consecutive success in the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Landing Experiment (LEX), showcasing its prowess in advanced space technology.

ISRO‘s Chairman S Somanath commended the team for their dedication and expertise in executing complex missions like the RLV LEX series. J Muthupandian served as the Mission Director, overseeing the meticulous planning and execution, while B Karthik played a pivotal role as the Vehicle Director for this mission.

“Hat-trick for ISRO in RLV LEX! ISRO proudly announced its third consecutive success in the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Landing Experiment (LEX) on June 23, 2024, as ‘Pushpak’ flawlessly executed a precise horizontal landing, demonstrating advanced autonomous capabilities under challenging conditions.

The RLV LEX-03 mission builds upon the achievements of its predecessors, RLV LEX-01 and LEX-02, focusing on refining the autonomous landing capability of the reusable vehicle. This experiment simulated high-speed landing conditions and validated crucial technologies essential for future Orbital Re-entry Missions.

The successful landing of ‘Pushpak’ validates sophisticated guidance algorithms that correct longitudinal and lateral errors during landing, crucial for safe re-entry from orbital missions.

With the objectives of RLV-LEX accomplished, ISRO now shifts focus towards RLV-ORV, the Orbital Reusable Vehicle, aiming to further advance India’s capabilities in space exploration and technology.

The RLV LEX-03 mission underscores ISRO’s commitment to innovation and technological advancement, paving the way for future milestones in India’s space exploration journey.

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