Karisma Kapoor attended the centenary celebrations of her grandfather, the legendary Raj Kapoor, alongside the Kapoor family. Ahead of the event, Karisma shared a heartwarming photo on Instagram with her parents, Randhir Kapoor and Babita Kapoor. Captioned “Most Precious,” the picture captured a loving pose of the trio dressed in stunning ethnic attire.
Elegant Ethnic Styles
For the occasion, Randhir Kapoor donned a black kurta with a red dupatta, exuding classic charm, while Babita looked graceful in an off-white traditional outfit. Karisma turned heads in a beige and golden saree paired with matching golden jewelry, radiating timeless elegance.
A Star-Studded Celebration
The event saw a dazzling lineup of Bollywood celebrities paying tribute to Raj Kapoor. Rekha, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan, Shweta Bachchan, Agastya Nanda, Tiger Shroff, and many others attended the grand celebration, adding to its glitz and glamour.
Honoring the Showman’s Legacy
The evening celebrated the unparalleled legacy of Raj Kapoor, a pioneer of Indian cinema. Karisma’s emotional post and the presence of Bollywood’s biggest stars highlighted the profound impact of the Showman on Indian film history.