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HomeWorld NewsLatest News: Ukraine's Fight For Democracy

Latest News: Ukraine’s Fight For Democracy

The UK Embassy in Prague boasts a statue of Winston Churchill, a reminder of the former Prime Minister’s contribution to the country’s history. Churchill, despite his flaws, remains a significant figure in the British consciousness, particularly during the most challenging times when the UK stood against aggressive tyranny.

However, since February 24, 2022, war has again loomed over Europe, threatening the hard-won progress and peace that previous generations have built. Russia’s unprovoked attack on a sovereign and democratic Ukraine in 2014 exposed the inadequacy of the international response, and subsequent developments in Crimea and eastern Ukraine have highlighted the threat to collective security.

Putin’s Russia underestimated the resolve and resilience of the Ukrainian people, expecting a swift and dramatic victory. Instead, Ukraine, led by President Zelenskyy, demonstrated bravery and defiance as they stopped and pushed back Russian aggression.

The UK and Czech Republic have been practical and steadfast friends to the Ukrainian people, providing military support, humanitarian assistance, and hosting displaced Ukrainians. While the Czech Republic has received the largest number of Ukrainian refugees per capita of any country, the UK has provided £4 billion in help.

As we reflect on the terrible events of the past year, it is worth remembering why both countries continue to stand with Ukraine. Putin’s Russia must not be allowed to disregard international law and the UN Charter, using force to impose its will on a sovereign country. If this is permitted, we all lose, and the risk of further aggression increases.  No one but Putin is responsible for this war.

Ukraine’s fight for democracy is a fight for all democracies, and its success will be our success. The UK and Czech Republic’s support for Ukraine stems from both solidarity and self-interest as countries built on democratic principles. We are inspired by our own domestic democratic legacy, exemplified by the likes of Havel, Pankhurst, and Horákova.

The UK Embassy’s statue of Winston Churchill serves as a reminder of the former Prime Minister’s contribution to British history, particularly during challenging times. Today, as we face another challenge, we must continue to stand with Ukraine, support its fight for democracy, and uphold international law and the UN Charter.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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