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HomeWorld NewsLebanon Visits By UK Director General Vijay Rangarajan.

Lebanon Visits By UK Director General Vijay Rangarajan.

The United Kingdom’s Director General covering the Middle East, Vijay Rangarajan, recently concluded a two-day visit to Lebanon on 16 February. The visit was aimed at reaffirming the UK’s continued support to the Lebanese Armed Forces and the most vulnerable in Lebanon, including Syrian refugees.

During his visit, Rangarajan had the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Najib Mikati and discuss the country’s latest developments. He also offered his condolences over the death of Lebanese nationals who lost their lives following the devastating earthquake that hit south-eastern Turkey.

One of the highlights of Rangarajan’s visit was his meeting with General Kamal Kamal at the Third Land Border Regiment in Ablah. During the visit, Kamal provided an overview of LAF operations and how UK support is enhancing its capabilities. Rangarajan also toured a border position built and equipped through UK support to assist in safeguarding Lebanon’s border security. This is a testament to the UK’s commitment to ensuring Lebanon’s stability and security in a region that has been marked by conflict and instability.

Another important aspect of Rangarajan’s visit was his meeting with a refugee family at an Informal Tented Settlement in the Bekaa. The family has been supported with UK aid through the World Food Programme’s multi-purpose cash program to meet their most basic and urgent needs. This is a reminder of the UK’s commitment to supporting vulnerable populations in Lebanon, including Syrian refugees who have sought refuge in the country.

The Lebanese Red Cross volunteers, headed to Syria after the devastating earthquake to aid in search and rescue operations, were also met with by Rangarajan. This is a testament to the UK’s commitment to supporting the brave efforts of the Red Cross search and rescue teams, who work tirelessly to save lives in the region.

Rangarajan’s visit to Lebanon highlights the UK’s commitment to supporting Lebanon’s stability, security, and vulnerable populations, including Syrian refugees. The UK’s continued support of the LAF, border security, and humanitarian aid in Lebanon is a testament to its commitment to ensuring peace and stability in the region.

As Rangarajan noted, the economic crisis in Lebanon is having a severe impact on the people of Lebanon, and it is important that the international community continues to support Lebanon during these difficult times. The UK’s full support for the IMF deal and the election of a President is crucial in this regard, and the UK will continue to work closely with the Lebanese government and international partners to ensure a better future for the people of Lebanon.

Source: Gov[Dot]UK

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