Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 04:52 pm
The cold is getting worse every day. A lot of attention needs to be paid to food in this season. Fruits and vegetables that are in season help to keep the body warm. In this winter, let’s know from which things we should keep our distance.
Cold Temperature Foods
You should be careful if you have a habit of drinking cold drinks or water directly from the fridge. Due to this, the chances of getting a sick increase in this season when cold food and cold drinks work to reduce immunity. During the winter season, health experts say that cold thing should not be eaten because the body has to work twice as hard to bring them up to body temperature.
Dairy Products
Dairy products make mucus thicker. Other infections in the chest, like wheezing, increase because of this. In winter, cold dairy products like milkshakes, and smoothies should be consumed in limited quantities. Avoid eating cold curd in this season. People who are prone to colds and coughs should use fewer dairy products.
Meats And Processed Foods
A light diet is best in the winter season. This season, experts say the body takes more time to digest heavy things. This makes the body feel more lethargic. Obesity and problems related to digestion can also increase due to this. The problem of allergies can also increase due to processed foods.
Juices and gas-producing drinks
It is best to avoid cold drinks, fruit juices, sweet drinks, and gas-producing drinks during the winter season. The high sugar content of these drinks can lead to increased insulin resistance and lowered immunity. Try to eat fresh fruits instead.
Salad and raw food
You should avoid eating salad and raw food items in the evening during winter. In cold weather, these things increase swelling and acidity in the stomach. Health experts say that the digestive system works best in the afternoon during this season. It is right to eat radishes or raw vegetables at this time because they are low in calories.