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HomeBharat NewsBiharLok Sabha Elections: Amit Shah Predicts NDA Victory in Bihar

Lok Sabha Elections: Amit Shah Predicts NDA Victory in Bihar

In a bold forecast ahead of the Lok Sabha Elections, BJP leader Amit Shah predicts a sweeping victory for the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) in Bihar. Shah attributes this anticipated triumph to Prime Minister Modi’s welfare initiatives aimed at the state’s populace.

“Modi ji gave free food grains, houses, gas cylinders to the people of Bihar,” Shah asserted, underlining the significant impact of these schemes on Bihar’s citizens. He juxtaposed these measures with the purported legacy of Lalu Yadav, accusing the former Bihar chief minister of fostering “hooliganism, corruption, and anarchy” during his tenure.

Shah’s remarks highlight the contrasting visions presented by the two political forces vying for Bihar’s electoral mandate. While the NDA promises continued development and prosperity under Modi’s leadership, Shah suggests that Lalu’s tenure left a legacy of chaos and maladministration.

Confident in the electorate’s support for the NDA’s agenda, Shah predicts a resounding victory for the alliance on all 40 parliamentary seats in Bihar. His statement sets the stage for an intense electoral battle in the state, where competing narratives of governance and development will be put to the test.

As Bihar prepares to cast its votes, Shah’s words serve as a rallying cry for NDA supporters, urging them to uphold the principles of good governance and progress embodied by the alliance. The outcome of the elections will not only shape Bihar’s political landscape but also have broader implications for national politics.

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