In a significant development in maritime collaboration within the Indian Ocean Region, scientists from Bangladesh and Mauritius have embarked on a momentous joint ocean expedition. This endeavor is taking place under the framework of the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) and is facilitated by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) under the Ministry of Earth Sciences. The scientists, aboard India’s research vessel ‘Sagar Nidhi,’ will conduct research to predict and manage changes in the marine environment and variations in ocean parameters.
The Genesis of the CSC Oceanographers and Hydrographers Conference:
The inception of this collaborative ocean expedition can be traced back to the maiden CSC Oceanographers and Hydrographers conference held in Goa and Hyderabad in November 2022. This conference provided a platform for scientists and experts from the participating nations to discuss and explore possibilities for joint research and cooperation in oceanographic studies. The outcomes of the conference laid the foundation for this ambitious joint ocean expedition.
The Role of the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS):
The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) plays a crucial role in this collaborative effort. As an institution under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, INCOIS is responsible for providing ocean information and advisory services to various stakeholders. The organization leverages its expertise and research capabilities to facilitate this ocean expedition, ensuring the smooth coordination and successful execution of the joint research initiatives.
Objectives of the Joint Ocean Expedition:
The primary objective of this joint ocean expedition is to conduct collaborative research on ocean data. Scientists from Bangladesh, Mauritius, and India will work together to predict and manage changes in the marine environment and variations in ocean parameters. By combining their expertise and resources, the participating nations aim to enhance their understanding of the Indian Ocean’s ecological dynamics, identify potential challenges, and devise effective strategies for sustainable ocean management.
Research Areas and Methodologies:
The scientists aboard the research vessel ‘Sagar Nidhi’ will engage in a wide range of research activities. These activities include collecting and analyzing oceanographic data, studying marine biodiversity, assessing the impact of climate change on the Indian Ocean, and investigating oceanic currents and their effects on coastal regions. The research methodologies employed will involve state-of-the-art instruments and technologies, including underwater sensors, remote sensing devices, and advanced data analysis techniques.