Bollywood diva Malaika Arora recently took to Instagram to share a serene moment while enjoying a beautiful sunset at her sister Amrita Arora’s newly launched restaurant in Goa. Capturing the perfect moment, Malaika was seen dressed in a yellow-hued figure-hugging drape-styled outfit by designer Gabriella Demetriades.
Sunset and Scenic Views at Amrita’s Restaurant
The backdrop of the stunning sunset, with its orange tinge spreading across the sky, complemented by the tranquil sea, created a breathtaking view.
Malaika’s Instagram post, which read “Sunsets n more,” perfectly captured the essence of the moment, showcasing her relaxed and stylish vibe.
She also tagged the restaurant and shared a special touch by adding the Miley Cyrus version of the iconic track “Jolene” to her post, a unique blend of contemporary and classic.
Malaika Arora’s New Luxury Venture
Malaika is also making waves with her venture, the Scarlett House, a luxury restaurant in Mumbai. Located in the heart of Pali Village, the restaurant occupies a charming 90-year-old Portuguese bungalow, bringing a blend of history and modernity to the city’s culinary scene.