Designer Masaba Gupta and her husband, actor Satyadeep Mishra, recently revealed the name of their three-month-old daughter: Matara. The couple welcomed their first child together on October 11, 2024.
Masaba Gupta shared the news on social media, describing how the name Matara represents the divine feminine energies of the nine Hindu goddesses, symbolizing strength and wisdom.
Celebrating Matara’s Birth
Masaba, who tied the knot with Satyadeep Mishra in 2023, expressed her joy and love for her daughter by calling her “the star of our eyes.” The couple has been celebrating their little one’s arrival, and the name Matara reflects their deep connection with spirituality and Indian traditions.
Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep: A Glimpse of Family Life
In addition to their family joy, the couple co-starred in the Netflix series “Masaba Masaba.” Fans and followers continue to support them as they embrace parenthood, with Masaba regularly sharing heartwarming glimpses of her life.
The name Matara marks the beginning of a new chapter for Masaba and Satyadeep, blending both cultural significance and personal love for their daughter.