Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his heartfelt condolences on Friday following the passing of legendary playback singer P. Jayachandran. Known for his emotive voice, Jayachandran’s vast contributions to music across multiple languages left an indelible mark on the Indian music industry. Modi took to X to honor the singer’s legacy, remembering him as an artist whose melodies resonated deeply with listeners.
Modi’s Tribute on X: A Singer Whose Voice Touched Generations
In his tribute, PM Modi shared a poignant message on X, stating, “Shri P. Jayachandran was endowed with a legendary voice that conveyed deep emotions. His heartfelt performances in multiple languages will resonate with audiences for generations. I am deeply saddened by his passing. My condolences are with his family and fans during this time of sorrow.”
The Loss of a Musical Icon
P. Jayachandran, affectionately known as ‘Bhava Gayakan’ for his ability to express deep emotions such as love, longing, and devotion through his voice, passed away on Thursday evening at the age of 80. He had been unwell for some time and collapsed at his residence before being rushed to a private medical college in Thrissur.
A Storied Career in Indian Music
Over his illustrious career, Jayachandran recorded more than 16,000 songs in languages including Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi. His rich and soulful voice earned him widespread recognition and numerous accolades, including the prestigious National Film Award, the Kerala State Film Awards (five times), and the Tamil Nadu State Film Awards (twice).
Additionally, he was honored with the Kerala government’s J C Daniel Award for his outstanding contribution to cinema.
The loss of P. Jayachandran is a significant moment for the Indian music industry, and his soulful renditions will continue to live on in the hearts of his fans.