Motorola India has announced the launch of its latest smartphone, the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra, featuring a groundbreaking 3.6″ external display with a fastest-in-class 144Hz refresh rate and an impressive brightness level of 1100nits. The smartphone will be available for sale starting from July 15th through various channels including Amazon India, the official Motorola website, and leading retail stores.
The World’s Largest 3.6″ External Display with 144Hz Refresh Rate
Motorola has set a new standard in smartphone displays with the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra. The device boasts a massive 3.6″ external display, the largest in the market, offering users a stunning visual experience. The 144Hz refresh rate ensures smooth scrolling, fluid animations, and a seamless user interface. Whether it’s browsing through apps, scrolling through social media feeds, or gaming, users can expect an unparalleled level of responsiveness and visual clarity.
Vibrant Viva Magenta Color and Wide Availability
Adding to its impressive display, the #motorolaRazr40Ultra stands out with its captivating Viva Magenta color variant. This striking hue not only enhances the phone’s aesthetics but also makes a bold style statement. Motorola has catered to the diverse preferences of consumers by offering this vibrant color option.
To make the phone accessible to a wider audience, Motorola has partnered with leading online retailer Amazon India, allowing customers to conveniently purchase the #motorolaRazr40Ultra with just a few clicks. Additionally, the smartphone will be available for purchase on the official Motorola website, ensuring a seamless buying experience. Furthermore, customers can visit leading retail stores across the country to explore and purchase this remarkable device.