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HomeBharat NewsNarendra Singh Tomar meeting with Roberto Perosa on the sidelines of #G20AMM2023...

Narendra Singh Tomar meeting with Roberto Perosa on the sidelines of #G20AMM2023 meeting.

India and Brazil, two emerging global powers, share a long-standing history of friendship and cooperation. In line with their commitment to deepening bilateral relations, Narendra Singh Tomar, India’s Minister of Agriculture, held a significant bilateral meeting with Roberto Perosa, Brazil’s Vice Minister of Trade and International Relations, during the #G20AMM2023 meeting. The discussions focused on a wide range of areas, including agriculture, trade, renewable energy, and people-to-people exchanges, with the aim of fostering closer ties between the two nations.

Background of the Meeting:

The bilateral meeting between Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Vice Minister Roberto Perosa took place on the sidelines of the #G20AMM2023 meeting, a platform that brings together the world’s major economies to discuss global challenges and collaborate on common goals. This meeting served as an excellent opportunity for both India and Brazil to further strengthen their relationship and explore avenues for deeper cooperation.

Strengthening Agricultural Ties:

Agriculture plays a crucial role in the economies of both India and Brazil. During the meeting, Minister Tomar and Vice Minister Perosa emphasized the importance of enhancing collaboration in this sector. They discussed sharing best practices in agricultural technology, research, and innovation, with the aim of improving productivity, food security, and sustainable farming practices in both countries. The officials also explored the possibility of increasing bilateral trade in agricultural products, identifying areas of complementarity, and promoting exchange programs for farmers and experts.

Expanding Trade and Investment:

Trade and investment form the backbone of any bilateral relationship. Minister Tomar and Vice Minister Perosa recognized the immense potential for expanding trade between India and Brazil. They discussed ways to reduce barriers and promote a favorable business environment, including the simplification of trade procedures and the removal of non-tariff barriers. The officials also explored opportunities for investment in key sectors such as infrastructure, manufacturing, and services, aiming to create mutually beneficial partnerships that stimulate economic growth and job creation in both countries.

Enhancing Cooperation in Renewable Energy:

Both India and Brazil are committed to addressing the global challenges of climate change and transitioning towards clean and sustainable energy sources. In this regard, Minister Tomar and Vice Minister Perosa discussed avenues for collaboration in renewable energy, including sharing expertise and technology in areas such as solar power, wind energy, and biofuels. The officials recognized the potential for joint research and development initiatives, as well as investment opportunities in renewable energy projects, which would not only contribute to their national energy targets but also foster technological advancements and environmental sustainability.

Promoting People-to-People Exchanges:

Cultural and educational exchanges play a vital role in strengthening the bonds between nations. Minister Tomar and Vice Minister Perosa emphasized the significance of people-to-people exchanges and explored avenues for promoting tourism, student exchanges, and cultural events between India and Brazil. They discussed the possibility of establishing direct air connectivity, organizing cultural festivals, and facilitating educational scholarships, aiming to enhance mutual understanding, appreciation, and friendship between the people of both countries.

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