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HomeSpiritualNavratri Day 5th: The Divine Grace of Goddess Skandamata

Navratri Day 5th: The Divine Grace of Goddess Skandamata

Navratri, the nine-night festival dedicated to the divine feminine, holds immense significance in Hindu culture. Each day of Navratri is associated with one of the nine forms of Goddess Durga, and on the fifth day, devotees pay homage to Goddess Skandamata. She is revered as the mother of Lord Kartikeya, also known as Skanda, and represents the embodiment of maternal love and strength.


Lord Skanda is alternatively referred to as ‘Kumar Kartikeya’ and is renowned as the commander of the gods during the celebrated Devasura battle. In the Puranas, his magnificence is extolled under the names ‘Kumar’ and ‘Shakti.’ This particular form of Mother Durga is known as Skandamata due to her role as the mother of Lord Skanda.

Goddess Skandamata: A Divine Presence

Goddess Skandamata is the fifth manifestation of Goddess Durga and is depicted as a radiant deity mounted on a lion. Her name, Skandamata, is derived from “Skanda,” another name for Lord Kartikeya, and “Mata,” which means mother. Her iconography is both beautiful and powerful. She has four arms, with the upper two arms holding lotus flowers and the lower two arms extended in a gesture of blessings. She cradles her infant son, Lord Kartikeya, in her lap. The lion serves as her divine vehicle, symbolizing fearlessness and courage.

The Significance of the Fifth Day of Navratri

The fifth day of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Skandamata, and worshiping her on this day is believed to bring an array of blessings:

Strength and Courage: Devotees seek the blessings of Skandamata to gain inner and outer strength, as well as the courage to face life’s trials and tribulations.

Protection: Skandamata is considered a protective deity who shields her devotees from harm, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Maternal Love: This day is a beautiful celebration of the divine motherly love that exists between a mother and her child. It reminds us of the importance of nurturing and caring relationships.

Family Harmony: Skandamata is also associated with promoting harmony in family relationships, emphasizing the importance of love and unity within the household.

Mantra for Goddess Skandamata

Devotees invoke the blessings of Goddess Skandamata by chanting her mantra:

“ॐ देवी स्कन्दमातायै नमः” (Om Devi Skandamatayai Namah)

This sacred mantra is a salutation to Goddess Skandamata. Reciting it with devotion and reverence is believed to connect one with her divine energy and bring her blessings into one’s life.

Celebrating the Fifth Day of Navratri

On the fifth day of Navratri, devotees often wear yellow attire, which is the color associated with Goddess Skandamata. They gather at temples and homes to offer their prayers, perform aarti, sing devotional songs, and recite the mantra to seek her divine grace. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of love, protection, and maternal care.

Final Thought

The fifth day of Navratri is a time to celebrate the divine motherly presence of Goddess Skandamata. Her blessings provide strength, courage, protection, and harmony in our lives. As we worship her, we are reminded of the immense love and protection that a mother bestows upon her children, symbolizing the enduring bond of maternal love.

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