As 2025 kicked off, several Bollywood and South Indian film stars shared glimpses of their New Year celebrations, and Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan, along with R Madhavan and his wife Sarita Birje, were spotted in Dubai. The couples celebrated the night on a luxury yacht, creating memorable moments surrounded by beautiful waters.
Shared Memories and Heartfelt Captions
Sarita Birje took to Instagram to share a picture of the foursome sitting together on the yacht, wrapped in blankets. Sarita Birje captioned it, “Making beautiful memories with beautiful people. Happy 2025.”
Nayanthara re-shared the post with a heartfelt message: “The best time with the sweetest Maddy sir & Sarita ma’am. Such a surreal night.” She also posted a video capturing the evening, with the caption, “Only love around us.”
A Bond Beyond the Screen
Nayanthara and R Madhavan recently collaborated on the film ‘Test’, directed by S. Sashikanth. The film features a talented cast, including Siddharth, Meera Jasmine, and Kaali Venkat. Their bond off-screen seems as strong as their onscreen chemistry, as seen during their shared New Year celebrations in Dubai.
These celebrity vacations reflect the joy and warmth of the season, as they continue to make cherished memories with loved ones.