Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeWorld NewsNew Nostradamus: Numerous major cities face earthquake threats in 2024

New Nostradamus: Numerous major cities face earthquake threats in 2024

New Nostradamus Prediction: Craig Hamilton-Parker, often referred to as the modern-day Nostradamus, foretells a significant catastrophe in America for the upcoming year, specifically foreseeing a major blackout event.

New Nostradamus Predictions for America

New Nostradamus Prediction: Craig Hamilton-Parker, recognized as the modern Nostradamus, has delivered unsettling predictions for the United States in the upcoming year. Anticipating natural occurrences, he warns of widespread blackouts across most regions of America. Specifically, he forecasts power outages in significant areas like Texas and California, attributing these disruptions to infrastructure damage. According to him, any major weather event or storm could lead to the collapse of the electricity supply infrastructure.

Earthquakes in America likely to destroy cities

New Nostradamus Prediction: As per Craig Hamilton-Parker’s prophecy outlining a surge in substantial earthquakes across the nation in 2024. His forecast particularly emphasizes the west coast, anticipating extensive destruction. Craig solemnly states, “I foresee significant earthquakes and natural calamities affecting the entire West Coast, resulting in profound heart-wrenching outcomes in 2024.”

Nostradamus’s predictions have been substantiated

It’s noteworthy that Nostradamus, a 16th-century French prophet, accurately foresaw numerous events, including the Russian war, and many of his predictions related to natural occurrences have been validated over time.

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