Senior Personal Assistant Recruitment: In continuation of the previous Public Notice dated April 30, 2024, and the Vacancy Notice dated March 6, 2023, the National Testing Agency (NTA) announces the Stage-III Main (Descriptive) Examination for the recruitment of Senior Personal Assistants. The examination is scheduled to take place on May 12, 2024, Sunday.
Admit Cards for the shortlisted candidates have been released today. Candidates are required to download their respective Admit Cards from the designated websites: or The Admit Cards can be accessed using the candidate’s Application Number and Date of Birth.
Before appearing for the examination, candidates are strongly advised to read the “Important Instructions for Candidates appearing in Main (Descriptive) Examination for the Post of Senior Personal Assistant” available on the NTA recruitment portal.
It is crucial to note that the Admit Card is issued provisionally and is subject to the fulfillment of eligibility conditions. Mere possession of the Admit Card does not guarantee acceptance of eligibility, which will be further scrutinized at subsequent stages of the recruitment process.
Candidates must refrain from tampering with the Admit Card in any way, as any alteration or tampering will be considered as an Unfair Means (UFM) practice and will be dealt with as per the law. It is advised to preserve a copy of the Admit Card in good condition for future reference.
Admit Cards will not be sent via post or mail, hence candidates are urged to download them from the designated websites. Regularly visit the Delhi High Court website under the “Public Notice – Job Openings” section and the NTA website for the latest updates and announcements regarding the recruitment process.
For any clarifications or assistance, candidates can contact the Help Desk at or call 011-40759000 / 011-69227700.