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HomeBharat NewsOm Birla expresses happiness over Mongolia's commitment to democracy.

Om Birla expresses happiness over Mongolia’s commitment to democracy.

Om Birla, an esteemed figure in Indian politics, expressed his delight at witnessing the proceedings of Mongolia’s Great Hural (Parliament). He appreciated Mongolia’s commitment to the vibrancy of democracy and its efforts to strengthen democratic principles for the betterment of people’s lives.

Om Birla’s Reflection on Mongolia’s Great Hural and Commitment to Democracy

Om Birla, acknowledging the proceedings of Mongolia’s Great Hural, highlights the country’s steadfast commitment to democracy. The Great Hural serves as a symbol of Mongolia’s democratic values and its dedication to upholding democratic principles. Birla’s observation demonstrates his appreciation for Mongolia’s efforts in maintaining a vibrant democratic system, ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and their lives are improved through democratic governance.

India’s Support for Promoting Democratic Ideals

As a nation known as the “mother of democracy,” India is deeply committed to extending its support to promote the ideals of democracy worldwide. Om Birla’s statement reaffirms India’s dedication to fostering democratic values and strengthening democratic institutions. India recognizes the significance of democracy in enhancing the lives of people and ensuring equitable representation and participation.

Strengthening International Bonds through Democracy

Om Birla’s appreciation of Mongolia’s democratic practices reflects the shared values and aspirations of nations striving for a vibrant democracy. By recognizing and supporting Mongolia’s commitment to democracy, India aims to strengthen international bonds based on democratic principles. The promotion of democratic ideals fosters mutual understanding, cooperation, and a collective pursuit of societal progress and welfare.

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