Bollywood star Parineeti Chopra, who is celebrating her 35th birthday today on October 22, is enjoying a milestone year. The actress tied the knot with Raghav Chaddha in September, and her film ‘Mission Raniganj’ with Akshay Kumar hit theaters in October.
As the birthday wishes continue to pour in from family, friends, and fans, Parineeti’s brothers, Shivang and Sahaj Chopra, and her cousin, actress Priyanka Chopra, made their special wishes for the actress.
Brothers’ Heartfelt Wishes
Parineeti’s brother Shivang shared a series of pictures from her wedding on Instagram to wish her a happy birthday. He affectionately referred to her as the “not so small anymore” child and his “friend,” expressing love and longing.
Sahaj, her other brother, posted engagement photos of Parineeti and conveyed his heartwarming wishes. He mentioned the love Parineeti deserved and said she’s now ready to live the life she deserves. He emphasized that she would always be his best friend and source of happiness.
Priyanka Chopra’s Beautiful Message
Cousin Priyanka Chopra shared a lovely picture of herself with Parineeti on social media, extending warm birthday greetings. In her message, Priyanka wished Parineeti to be surrounded by love and joy on her special day and always. The photo showcased the two actresses looking stunning and radiating happiness.
It’s clear that Parineeti’s birthday was filled with love and affection from her dear family members, making it a memorable and heartwarming celebration.