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HomeBharat NewsDelhiVishnu Deo: Rajya Sabha MP Phoolo Devi's health deteriorated

Vishnu Deo: Rajya Sabha MP Phoolo Devi’s health deteriorated

Rajya Sabha MP Phoolo Devi’s health deteriorated: Opposition parties have intensified protests across Parliament and beyond regarding the alleged NEET paper leak, with the Congress party leading the charge in the Rajya Sabha. The situation took a dramatic turn when Congress MP Phoolo Devi Netam collapsed while protesting in the well of the House.

MP Phoolo Devi: Incident and Immediate Response

During the NEET protest, Phoolo Devi Netam, visibly unwell, collapsed and was swiftly taken to RML Hospital via ambulance. This incident prompted an immediate reaction from fellow MPs and opposition leaders, who criticized the government’s handling of the NEET controversy.

Opposition Condemns Government’s Response

Congress MP Pramod Tiwari condemned the government, stating, “There is no humanity and decency in this government.” He expressed concern over Netam’s health and highlighted the need for compassion towards fellow parliamentarians.

Walkout in Protest

In response to the handling of Netam’s health emergency and the government’s alleged indifference, opposition MPs staged a walkout from the Rajya Sabha. This collective action aimed to draw attention to their grievances and highlight the urgency of addressing the NEET paper leak scandal.

The incident underscores the heightened tensions in Parliament and the broader political landscape, as opposition parties continue to press for accountability and transparency in the NEET examination process.

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