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HomeBharat NewsPM Modi Leads 10th International Day of Yoga Celebrations in Srinagar

PM Modi Leads 10th International Day of Yoga Celebrations in Srinagar

Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked the 10th International Day of Yoga (IYD) by leading a yoga session in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. Expressing gratitude for being in the “land of Yog and Sadhna,” PM Modi highlighted the vibrant atmosphere and energy of the occasion. He conveyed best wishes to all citizens and global yoga practitioners, underscoring the significance of this special day.

10th International Day of Yoga: Global Recognition and Growing Popularity

Reflecting on the 10th anniversary of IYD, PM Modi recalled the historic endorsement by 177 countries at the UN and the numerous records set since, including 35,000 people practicing yoga on the Kartavya Path in 2015. He also mentioned the global participation in yoga events, such as the one he led at the UN Headquarters. Highlighting the growing worldwide attraction to yoga, he noted that leaders from various countries have shown keen interest in yoga, demonstrating its increasing acceptance and integration into daily life.

Yoga’s Expansion and Economic Impact

PM Modi spoke about the evolving perceptions of yoga, introducing the concept of a “Yoga Economy.” He discussed the surge in yoga tourism, the establishment of yoga retreats, and the integration of yoga into various sectors, including education in Saudi Arabia and medical universities in Turkmenistan. The Prime Minister also pointed out the significant number of yoga practitioners in Europe and the recognition of a French yoga teacher with a Padma Shree award. He emphasized yoga’s role in creating new employment opportunities and fostering economic growth.

Yoga’s Theme and Societal Benefits

The theme of this year’s IYD, “Yoga for Self and Society,” was a focal point of PM Modi’s address. He described yoga as a powerful agent for global good, promoting present-moment awareness and societal welfare. Stressing the scientific aspects of yoga, he highlighted its importance in managing information overload and maintaining focus.

The Prime Minister noted yoga’s incorporation into various fields, from the military to space exploration and its positive impact in prisons. He praised the enthusiasm of the people of Jammu & Kashmir, especially their participation despite rainy conditions, and concluded by thanking them for their support and wishing all yoga enthusiasts worldwide a successful International Day of Yoga.

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